Strengthen Your Bond, One Rep at a Time

Regular exercise offers serious benefits, both physical and mental. The challenge of a boot camp class can increase your strength, agility, and balance while also improving your mood and energy level—not to mention that sweating it out in a class can be a great way of releasing stress and anxiety. 

Our dogs see similar benefits from consistent exercise. Physical exertion is a great way to tire them out while giving them a healthy outlet for their endless energy, and challenging your dog to learn new exercises can build focus and confidence too. Chances are, their daily trips around the block might not be offering this level of stimulation.

Go beyond the benefits of the daily walk with our high-energy fitness boot camps. Incorporating the benefits of strength training, interval training, and cardio training, our boot camp classes are designed to get hearts pumping and tails wagging.

Core Principles

Each class is designed to offer targeted strength-building exercises, intervals of high-intensity cardio work, and recovery periods.

Our boot camp classes include exercises specifically designed for your dog, as well as many exercises that will require you to work together. Your dog is about to become your favorite new workout partner!

Although BarkFit boot camp will make you sweat, there are no leaderboards, rankings, or other competitive metrics. The goal is to find the fun in working out—for you and your dog.

All body types, all fitness levels, and all dogs are welcome in our space. We offer and encourage modifications so that you and your dog can make the most of your time in class.

Class Details

Class Length: 45 minutes

Cost: $15

Other Requirements: 

  • All dogs must be under the control and supervision of their owners at all times.
  • Please bring treats and waste bags for your dog.



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